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Julian's Story
Julian Starks has been a force in the world of the Arts for most of his adult life. Julian began his career in New York City as an established working actor, having studied under acting teacher legends, SANFORD MEISNERand BOBBY LEWIS, as well as Martin Barter at the famous Neighborhood Playhouse Theater in many mediums including theater, independent film and national television shows and commercials. He studied at THE SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTSin New York and eventually decided to move to Los Angeles to further his education at the UCLA SCHOOL OF FILMand the LOS ANGELES FILM SCHOOLand to further his opportunities in filmmaking and television. He later graduated from the BROOKS INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY in the Los Angeles area and continued his passion for storytelling in a new medium… It is this medium that best offers us the pleasure of sharing Julian’s love of animals as he presents, LIFE BEHIND BARS VOL. 1, his first Fine Art Photography Book, which was released Worldwide in 2020.
Many will recognize Julian from the internationally seen television drama “The Bold and the Beautiful”, several nationally seen television commercials (he is the current spokesman for Medicare) and movies, including “The Fast and the Furious” … “A JOURNEY TO SUNDANCE”, his first independent feature length documentary film, was released Worldwide in 2021. This film intertwines the story of the fabled Sundance Film Festival with the story of the struggles a filmmaker endures to create an independent film and finally, the triumph of presenting it to the public.
Julian has spent much of the last several years following his passion for wild animals by traveling the world to photograph them in both natural and confined settings. He began to appreciate that without sanctuaries and sometimes, unfortunately, confinement, many species would soon perish or become dangerously close to extinction. To that end, Julian created VISIONS OF THE WORLD INC. a 501(C) (3)nonprofit company devoted to raising public awareness and to assisting the entities that try to make life for the endangered as comfortable as possible. He tries to make a difference for these animals by announcing their plight, educating the public to it and by donating a portion of proceeds to their struggle.
Julian invites you to become more aware and to join in the worthy fight to save a place on this earth for these noble creatures to survive!